Why all the hate for January?

If there’s one things I have noticed in the blogosphere, it’s that we all seem to like the same things. Afternoon tea, The great British Bake-off, Joules, and drinking tea or hot chocolate.

The latest thing to hate I’ve noticed is January. Nobody seems to like it at all and I ask myself why?

Ok, I know why, it’s dark, it’s cold, it’s windy and nobody has any money. Well, poor January – it must be very confused, here we are welcoming January by this massive party and fireworks,  and straight after everyone is like “I hate you”. Way to send mixed signals!

Myself, I don’t actually mind January that much, I don’t find it any worse than for example November, which is just as dark and dreary, and the good thing is – brighter and warmer times are not that far off! Apart from the other obvious reason I like January, I thought I would mention another few things I like about this time of the year, because we should really be focusing on the positives shouldn’t we?

1 – It’s a fresh start

It’s a new year, with the whole of 2015 ahead of you to make what you want of it! Everyone starts out all excited with the best intentions of doing all these great things, and then somewhere from mid Jan to Feb the enthusiasm seems to fade. Let’s try and keep the motivation going a bit longer this year! (I know I need to because I had my fitness test this week, and let me tell ya I am gonna need a lot of hard work in the next year!)

2 – Tulip season!


Tulips are my absolute favourite flower, and they are all over the place right now. I don’t know about you, but once Christmas is over there is something nice about cleaning away all the decorations, and bringing some light and air into the rooms. Tulips are a great way to bring more colour and cheeriness I think, and the crinkling sound of new flowers being put in a vase is something I definitely connect with January. Best of all they are not that expensive either!

3 – ’tis the season to be bloody

..Said the citrus fruit. Ok, gross, you are probably all thinking, but calm down, I am talking about the awesomeness of Ruby Oranges here. We call the Blood Oranges in Sweden, which personally I think is a much cooler name. These are in the shop for a very very limited amount of time each year, and this happens to be right now! So stock up while you can, because blink and you will miss them! Also, other citrus fruit such as the regular orange is at its best right now, and January is pretty much the only time I like to eat citrus. Bonus points for the health benefits!


So over to you – there must be some things you like about January? I challenge you to think of at least one thing and let me know!

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24 Responses to Why all the hate for January?

  1. I’ve noticed the exact same thing – people have said it’s because it’s cold and miserable. But it’s really hot here in Australia (sometimes I feel like I’m the only blogger living in the Southern Hemisphere haha – I know I’m not but people get really confused when I talk about summer in Dec/Jan!) so I love January. Especially as you said, because it’s a fresh start and there’s always a lot to look forward to at the beginning of a new year 🙂 x


    • lol – I still find the idea of summer in dec / jan so completely strange I have to admit! Clearly I haven’t travelled enough! Does it actually ever get cold in Australia though, even in winter? (see here I am showing some of my prejudices again)


  2. bevchen says:

    I think the problem with January is it’s such a let-down after all the bright lights and fun times of December. You get all this time off, outings, presents and then fireworks… then all the pretty lights get taken away and back to work you go. And it’s STILL dark and grey and miserable. I don’t like November either, but when it’s only just started being dark all the time it’s a bit easier to tolerate. By January we’re all sick of the dark and cold, and spring still feels soooooo far away!

    What I like about January is that I can justify putting off starting my resolutions. “I will start going for regular walks… as soon as I can actually leave the house without getting soaked!”. Also January sales. Because what’s not to love about cheap stuff?


    • I think they should pass a law that you can keep your decorations up throughout January. Obviosuly not the christmassy ones, but things like fairy lights etc. it would make it a bit nicer!

      What I like about the dark though is that this is the time of year where you can really see the stars and the planets with the naked eye. (I’m a bit of a space geek at heart) For example I enjoy watching Jupiter in the sky every morning and how it moves throughout the month, and in the summer you just can’t see them as it’s never that dark when I’m awake..


  3. I love tulips! I have never tried a blood orange but I really want to. Great post!


  4. This is when you can tell I read too many American blogs because no one knows what Joules and/or GBBO is 🙂 I second what bevchen said about why people dislike January: I hate the cold and the dark afternoons (I write this wearing a tiger onesie, wrapped in a blanket, hugging a hot water bottle) but at least in December you have the holidays to look forward to, and in February you have spring right around the corner to excite you. I know that for me Spring is my season of “fresh starts” more so than ringing in the new year.

    So some things I don’t hate about January?

    After holidays sales. Cheap drinks in pubs and restaurants. Discounts at attractions to lure tourists in.


    • Ah yes – the sales, I forgot about them! I try to stay away, otherwise I spend waaay too much money, with the excuse of “it’s my birthday, it will be my birthday treat” – yeah… 15 of them! Steady on!

      Don’t get me wrong though, I can’t wait for spring, it is absolutely freezing here just now, and walking into work was a bit of a challenge with the icy pavements.


  5. Elise says:

    I think it’s because of the anti climax after the holiday season partly – it was easier to deal with before Christmas cause you knew fun time was coming up but now it seems there’s cold but nothing fun happening and spring is too far away to see any time soon! Other than that, I’m with you. I like the fresh start aspect, and the fact that summer is so far away gives you so much time to get fit and lose the holiday weight! 🙂


    • I guess I am a bit lucky in the sense that in Scotland we have Burns night in January, so a lot of companies postpone their christmas parties until now, and I have 3 fancy dinner dances to go to this month, so it is still a bit festive for me 🙂

      Spring is just round the corner though – my crocuses have started showing up in front of my door actually!


  6. Kerri says:

    I really enjoy january! Its like the ultimate start day, the only thing better would be of the 1st was on a Monday. I’d be very excited!
    I’d rather everyone continued to hate on January so I can continue to travel around in peace.

    Also, what is this Joules thing… I keep seeing it everywhere. I’m assuming a shop/brand.

    Yes to blood oranges, I’ve got myself some juice in the fridge right now 🙂


    • haha, yes Joules is a shop, I had seen it in the shopping centre but never really thought much about it until I started reading all these blogs. They do have some really cute stuff! Maybe I should treat myself to something..


  7. I don’t mind January that much, it is Febuary I have a lot of hate for, that month is a bitch. So cold and dreary. Yay for blood oranges!


  8. themayfairy says:

    I loved January when I lived in New Zealand. It’s my birthday month and it’s all hot and sunny and and everyone has time off. Definitely a different kind of month in the UK… but I’m trying to adapt!


    • ah yes, moving from having your birthday in the summer to the winter must be a bit of a change! I wish mine was in the late spring / summer, so I could have birthday picnicks and stuff.. not so keen on that in this climate!


  9. sophiecliff says:

    I so agree with this – I LOVE January!


  10. Holly says:

    Well…normally I would be with the populace (I was last year), but good for you for being positive. Here are my faves; 1) getting into the hot car and sitting on the heated seats when I am freezing 2) not feeling that I am ‘wasting’ the weather by staying inside 3) hot food making your insides feel good 4) hot baths that make your bones feel warm again.


  11. Jessica says:

    I like January! the weather is not too bad here in Florida. January through April has the nicest weather I think and it’s a nice change from the hot temps and humidity!



  12. Tulips and blood red oranges! Two of my favorite things. Spring isn’t as far away as we think… :o)



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