My week in photos


Happy Sunday!
Well this has been a pretty busy week, however I never manage to drag my big camera around with me all the time and I didn’t remember to do one of those one photo an hour posts, but above are some snippets from my week as seen through my phone.

Long story short I;
Actually had decent lunch with me to work / Made an effort to start reading a bit more / sat on the bus back to work after a quick hospital appt. / defrosted the freezer and found loads of exciting jars in the back of the fridge / finished off some more Christmas ornaments / went along to a newly opened sewing studio and admired the walls / wandered around Aberdeen before meeting up with friends for dinner and drinks / admired Marischall College after dark / had delicious rumraisin and almond tea and chocolate meringue.

So that was me. Next week will be even more exciting as me and Sarah are finally heading to Bruges! Yay!

How was your week? Anything exciting to tell?

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16 Responses to My week in photos

  1. Those Christmas ornaments are lovely! They’ve made me feel all festive 🙂


  2. Haha yeah but you’re not gonna have a tree this year are you so ill have a whole year to go!


  3. Rekha Monger says:

    I just finished reading Gone Girl, it kept me on toes. 🙂
    Lovely pictures. Bruges sounds amazing. Btw I came here though Sarah’s blog 🙂


    • Hello lovely! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
      I have to admit I am finding some of the chapters a bit hard – going – almost too much waffling in them? But then I get to the end of a chapter and want to read more.. I’m only a few chapters in so there’s time to get hooked yet!


  4. We’ll have to discuss Gone Girl when you finish it! x


  5. Kerri says:

    We’ve really been getting into taking a proper lunch (read: leftovers) to work instead of sandwiches, it’s so much better having something hot and tasty rather than cheese. Not that cheese is bad, but cheese sarnies are a bit of a snore.


    • Yeah I’m trying to get better at that too (taking leftovers) we have a canteen that serves hot food at work and it is far too easy to get something from there, which turns out quite expensive in the long run.


  6. I hope you enjoy Bruges! It’s such a lovely little place, even in the rain, which is what it decided to do our entire day in Bruges! 🙂


  7. Sophie says:

    I’m so excited because for once I actually brought a nice lunch to work too!! Now only one more hour to go before it’s socially acceptable for me to devour it …


    • Me too! yay for making big dinners that results in leftovers. I however have to wait for an hour and a half. plus I have a bacon and brocolli quiche with me today and I have a feeling that the smell of microwaved broccolli might put me in the bad books of some people… who cares though – it tastes nice!


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